Hobbies, house projects, obsessions

~Checklist challenge (2013)~

Reading the blog of one of my readers, Alanna, I really loved her 30 things to do before 30 post. Reading this really made me think… I envision myself doing all these projects but then I just don’t do them, and I WANT to do them. So, publicly I am announcing 13 things that I want to do between now and the end of 2013.
1. Make a shower curtain to fit my very odd sized shower. I bought the goods to do this months ago. I’ve since lost the instructions on how to thread my sewing machine and am too lazy to youtube it. Plus, our bathroom isn’t painted yet so I just don’t see the point in finishing this project quite yet. But, that leads to #2.

2. Paint the master suite. All of it – bedroom, walk in closer/sewing room, bathroom and hallway. At least we’re on the painter’s list, right?

3. Make a piece of clothing for myself. I’m thinking a Maxi dress. Did I mention I don’t know how to thread my sewing machine? OK, so you see the challenge?

4. Gut and design a new half bath/laundry area.

5. Make a beautiful twist/braided pearl necklace for summer. This is time sensitive. I really should make it #1.

6. Read more blogs, a newspaper or watch the news for at least an hour during the week and an hour on the weekends.

7. Building myself a shoe closet. My husband took a picture of my shoes overflowing out of the closet the other day. I guess I need to get on this when even he is snapping photos!

8. Make pillows for the living room. I tried buying them but $39.99 a pillow? I don’t think so folks.

9. Create some sort of a picture or piece of wall art for the dining room. Hubby wants a 3-picture series of the pond that’s behind the wall. I want a hand made silver branch something (tbd).

10. Create a “regular post” of something. I like my friend Margie’s idea when she was doing the Friday Photos… Check out her blog The Recovery and Reinvestment Project!

11. Make curtains for the living room.

12. Make curtains for the office.

13. Redo the guest room. Yes this seems very general. BUT…we have the curtains up from the boy who lived in the room before we moved in. They are red and green plaid with forest green light blocking shades and brass curtain rods.  The light switch has a cottage with flowers on it. In the room is every piece of oak-ish furniture that is ugly that I couldn’t convince my husband to throw out before we moved. He calls the room The Oak Room. Enough said?

Maybe I shouldn’t just stand there…maybe I need to get moving!

Photo: Al's 70th Birthday