house projects

Bedroom challenge…final update

Well folks, I’m usually very positive except when I’m complaining. Hah! But no, really, I tend to think that things will work, so I give them a try. A week into this so called “challenge” I should have followed Margie and quit. It was so slow to begin, then in the end I guess they expected me to overnight ship everything I had seen and kick myself into high gear. Well, I like the slow and steady route.

So, needless to say, I have not finished my bedroom. I have made progress, but I haven’t finished it yet. If you’re following and want the remaining steps, let me know and I will email them to you. But, overall I will NEVER re-do this process so don’t even feel the need to finish going through the steps. So, here’s a picture of the bedroom as of now. There’s still a good amount of projects that need to get done (curtains, rug, artwork), but so far I think it’s shaping up nicely (no more 1980’s curtains or strange built-ins that really don’t work for a bedroom)!





Now, onto the bathroom. I’ll post photos of that soon, as well as the bedroom once I actually finish!

Hobbies, house projects, Life

Checklist challenge check-in

Back in June I created a  Checklist Challenge for myself. 13 things that I wanted to get done before the end of 2013. As usual, I procrastinated on many of them, either because I didn’t know how to do them or I decided I had another project I wanted to do first. Well, here’s an update on those I’ve started or completed and my experience with each!

1. Make a shower curtain to fit my very odd sized shower.

Done! I finally realized I could google directions, or better yet find the instructions! Glad I did as this project took me nearly no time to complete. I made it an even simpler project too, I didn’t use grommets or anything, I bought these little curtain rod hooks that allow me to easily hang the curtain and even easier to take it down to wash it. No more dealing with unhooking the rings while balancing on the edge of the shower and having to struggle to get the curtain down. I’ll post pictures soon!

Classic Steel Curtain Rings

2. Paint the master suite. All of it – bedroom, walk in closer/sewing room, bathroom and hallway.

Done! I somehow arranged to pick out paint, buy it with a Sherwin Williams coupon and then get the painter in. I’m SO glad I went forward with this. Expensive but it’s amazing how much a difference a coat of paint in a normal color makes!

5. Make a beautiful twist/braided pearl necklace for summer.

Ugh, half done. I bought the beads on and then strung them. Now I need to twist them so I can attach the other half of the clasp but I need my husband to help me with this part. They’re really pretty jade and yellow too. Hopefully they’re “in” next summar!

10. Create a “regular post” of something. I like my friend Margie’s idea when she was doing the Friday Photos… Check out her blog The Recovery and Reinvestment Project!

I am going to say Done as I’m posting my bedroom makeover project. Not that this will be a forever project but I’ll be sure to swap out when I am done with it next week.