house projects

Bedroom challenge…week 1

Day 4: creating an “outbox”.
Lets be honest, this sounds very strange. A room where you put an item to then let it sit a week and then decide what to do with it? But, it’s supposed to declutter so I will try it!

Thinking about decluttering I remind myself of this mini closet I have which even my husband says should be a shoe closet! I need to make shelves. Pinterest ideas? Why not! I think I’m stuck back on Day 2 daydreaming…



In reality…what I’m working with is so much less than the above!


So we will see what I come up with!

Day 5: Make a floor plan. Maybe it’s the former Architecture major in me, but I like a good ol’ pencil and paper. Second to that, I likeĀ Urban Barn. There are several online room planner websites to choose from at this point.

Day 6: Learning about color. Don’t get me wrong, I like color and I like bright colors. But, I don’t want to pay a lot of money to paint a room teal and then in a year decide I want another color. Instead, I’m going to follow my 1st floor renovation style and paint a neutral color (gray), allowing my accent pieces to be my color. This way when I’m tired of teal I can swap it out for something else by replacing a blanket, vase, etc. So, instead I researched color to pick my accents: teal, fuscia and yellows. Here’s an idea of the colors together:

Another option would be to swap out the fuscia for a more peachy color:

Day 7: Weekend chores and collection of paint chips. I expanded cleaning to the entire house and never have I felt so good. The collection of paint chips is fun. It brings me back to wedding planning!

I’m not sure what week 2 will bring, but I’m not entirely sure that I like the pace that this project is going at. My fear is that the expectation of the challenger is going to be that I pick and purchase a product a day and get actual project “work” done daily. With a full time job, this just isn’t possible. I may start thinking ahead on this one and getting some stuff accomplished ‘behind the scenes’.

If you’re following along, let me know how you’re doing!


Hobbies, house projects

The Gray Project

Ever fall in love with a color to the point that you wake up one day and realizeĀ everything in your life has been built around it? Well, for me this is gray. Initially, our kitchen was painted gray. Then our living room, breakfast area and dining room. Then I bought gray paint for the hallway and the office. Now, it’s time to paint the master suite. What color? You guessed it, gray!!

Knowing that I need some spice in my life I thought about adding lots of decorative items as color. I immediately thought aqua and magenta. Thinking about it, these were my wedding colors. Maybe I should be nicer to my husband. Aqua and yellow?


I thought I had time. I thought I could shop leisurely. The painter called this morning. Eek!