house projects

Bedroom challenge…week 1

Day 4: creating an “outbox”.
Lets be honest, this sounds very strange. A room where you put an item to then let it sit a week and then decide what to do with it? But, it’s supposed to declutter so I will try it!

Thinking about decluttering I remind myself of this mini closet I have which even my husband says should be a shoe closet! I need to make shelves. Pinterest ideas? Why not! I think I’m stuck back on Day 2 daydreaming…



In reality…what I’m working with is so much less than the above!


So we will see what I come up with!

Day 5: Make a floor plan. Maybe it’s the former Architecture major in me, but I like a good ol’ pencil and paper. Second to that, I likeĀ Urban Barn. There are several online room planner websites to choose from at this point.

Day 6: Learning about color. Don’t get me wrong, I like color and I like bright colors. But, I don’t want to pay a lot of money to paint a room teal and then in a year decide I want another color. Instead, I’m going to follow my 1st floor renovation style and paint a neutral color (gray), allowing my accent pieces to be my color. This way when I’m tired of teal I can swap it out for something else by replacing a blanket, vase, etc. So, instead I researched color to pick my accents: teal, fuscia and yellows. Here’s an idea of the colors together:

Another option would be to swap out the fuscia for a more peachy color:

Day 7: Weekend chores and collection of paint chips. I expanded cleaning to the entire house and never have I felt so good. The collection of paint chips is fun. It brings me back to wedding planning!

I’m not sure what week 2 will bring, but I’m not entirely sure that I like the pace that this project is going at. My fear is that the expectation of the challenger is going to be that I pick and purchase a product a day and get actual project “work” done daily. With a full time job, this just isn’t possible. I may start thinking ahead on this one and getting some stuff accomplished ‘behind the scenes’.

If you’re following along, let me know how you’re doing!